2 / My Parents Moved My Brother’s Things Into My New House While I Was on Vacation – It Was High Time I Brought Them Back to Earth…

Jeremy struggled to grasp the audacity of Ted’s words. Without asking for permission, Ted had taken over their home, completely disregarding their privacy. Furious, Jeremy called his parents to confront them. Unfortunately, they sided with Ted, accusing Jeremy of being selfish for not helping his brother. His parents insisted that since he didn’t have children, there was no harm in letting Ted stay.

But Jeremy had had enough. Ted had freeloaded off their parents for years, and now he was expected to do the same. Jeremy resolved to take matters into his own hands, especially after Nina made it clear she wouldn’t stay in the house if Ted remained. She packed a suitcase, heading to her sister’s house, giving Jeremy an ultimatum: get rid of Ted or lose her.

Determined to regain control of his home, Jeremy launched a subtle but effective campaign to drive Ted out. First, he disconnected the Wi-Fi, leaving Ted without his beloved binge-watching sessions. Then, he turned off the hot water, forcing Ted to endure freezing showers every morning. The fridge was stocked with nothing but healthy food, the opposite of Ted’s greasy preferences. Finally, Jeremy began blasting loud music early in the mornings, disrupting Ted’s lazy lifestyle.

By the fifth day, Ted had had enough. Frustrated and miserable, he stormed out, announcing that he was returning to their parents’ house. Jeremy, satisfied with the outcome, cleaned the house from top to bottom and prepared a special meal for Nina, calling her to let her know that Ted was gone for good.

Later that evening, Jeremy made one final phone call to his parents. “Ted’s out of my house,” he said firmly. “He won’t be coming back. He’s your responsibility now.”

Though his parents were upset, Jeremy felt at peace. Ted eventually moved back in with their parents, who forced him to convert the garage into his own living space and get a job. While they blamed Jeremy for Ted’s discomfort, he didn’t care. His home, and his marriage, were finally restored to tranquility.